How Can You Weight Train Without Lifting Heavy
Every day, we walk into Gym Source ready to tackle our biggest fitness challenges. More and more, those goals include hitting personal weight training milestones. Still, the question arises among many of us in training: can I weight train without lifting heavy?
Enormous preparation and planning goes into the physiques created by professional body builders; without that level of full-time dedication, mainstream weight training won’t produce the same hyper-definition and bulk.
But we are seeking greater strength and muscle tone, nothing beats a healthy weight lifting, compound exercise, and cardio training mix.
Here’s how to make it happen, less the bulk:
Increase your weights, incrementally.
- After a while, those lightweight dumbbells can only help so much.
- When you stop feeling sore after a workout, it’s time to add more weight to your routine (taking care not to do too much, too quickly).
Focus on larger muscle groups.
- If you’re tight on time, focusing on larger muscle groups—and resting as little as possible between reps—gives you more bang for your workout buck. Best benefits are from excersising with dumbbells.
- Because a by-product of weight training that enables your body to burn more fat and calories for hours after your workout is over.
Incorporate compound exercises.
- Working more muscles with dumbbells simultaneously results in more calories burned, period. In addition to squats, lunges, planks, add free weights to your squat press, lunge (with side raise), chest flies and plank rows.
- There are a ton of benefits of incorporating equipments into your workout routine.
- With home exercise equipment that pulls double duty, you can treat your body to a versatile, efficient full-body workout.
Do real interval training.
- Cardio equipment is continuously evolving to provide more effective workouts, variety in routines to keep you engaged and motivated, and more features to deliver the high intensity workouts that meet your cardio needs.
- Take advantage of the features available on the best treadmills and ellipticals for home from
- Enjoy a your product by one of Gym Source's fitness equipment experts.
Tackle those treadmill sprints.
- To burn fat and calories—and to keep core muscles aligned with your upper- and lower-body training—interval treadmil sprints are a must.
- Sprint for 100, 200 or 400 meters, then walk or jog until you’re ready for more. Repeat 8-12 times for effective results that complement your strength training routine.
Even better, we can help you find best quality equipments and deliver them in your area to help take your fitness even further. Visit us online or call us today at