An Ultimate Guide to a Full Body Workout

P Sailaja
An Ultimate Guide to a Full Body Workout

We all know the importance of workout in our lives. It not only keeps us fit, but also ensures a good mood and sound health. Every body part is equally important. Thus, it is necessary that we focus on the exercises/plans that target entire body rather than a single organ. We have prepared a list of exercises that fall under full body workout plan. These exericses will add life to your organs with an increased blood circulation and proper assimilation of nutroents, vitamins and minerals.

What Is A Full Body Workout Plan ?

full body workout plan

A full body workout plan is something that targets entire body rather than one particular organ. The program involves targeting all the major muscle groups of the body. There are basically seven major muscle groups in the body:


  • Chest
  • Shoulders
  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Back
  • Core
  • Legs


The full body workout plan revolves around these muscles of the body. Additionally, it benefits the smaller parts. Lets see what exercises fall under this plan. 

Exercises Under Full Body Workout Plan


The chest is one of the important parts of our body. It combines a rib cage, which further protects our heart. Its safety and health must be our priority. And so is the fitness of the muscles surrounding them. Hence, let us have a look at some highly effective exercises to ensure that you have a healthy chest.


  • Chest Press
  • full body workout plan 

    • Lie flat on a chest bench press with your back in contact with it.
    • Keep your feet flat on the ground.
    • Now, firmly hold the weights in both your hands.
    • Take a deep breath and when you exhale, lift the weights.
    • And as you inhale again, bring down the weights. But make sure that the weights shouldn’t touch your body or the ground.


  • Barbell Bench Press
  •  full body workout plan

    • Firstly, lie flat on a bench such that your feet are flat on the ground.
    • Now, hold a barbell with both your hands firmly.
    • Inhale deeply and as you exhale, lift the barbell as outward as possible. 
    • Repeat this for a few times to get good results.


  • Dip 
  •  full body workout plan

    • Look for a pair of parallel lateral dip bars in your gym or anywhere nearby.
    • Hold the dip bars with your hands tightly.
    • Now, curl your legs from the knee joints.
    • With both your hands as support, raise above to the saturation point. 
    • Then return back to the original state.




    Shoulders comprise an essential position in the body. They provide a perfect shape to the upper body, while maintaining it could enhance its beauty and fitness rate. Here are a few exercises that target the shoulder muscles to give a fit body and consequently, a good and strong framework.


  • Pushups
  •  full body workout plan

    • Lie flat on the mat with your back facing the ceiling.
    • Keep your palms straight below your chest.
    • Now, with all the weight concentrating on your hands, lift your body while you inhale.
    • Then, slowly bring your body back to the original form while exhaling.


  • Lateral Raise
  •  full body workout plan

    • Stand straight with your hands in a relaxed mode.
    • Hold a pair of dumbbells and lift them properly.
    • Make sure that you should not lift it as much as you want to. The lifted hand should make a right angle with your body.
    • Then, bring back the hand slowly to its original position.
    • Do these exercises with both hands.


  • Crab Walk
  •  full body workout plan

    • Sit on a mat with your hands on the back of your hips and your palms on the mat.
    • Now, lift your body such that your back and hips get parallel to the ground.
    • Gradually, move one hand forward with the opposite foot forward as well.
    • Then, repeat the same process with the other set of foot and hand also.
    • It may seem difficult in the start but constant practice is sure to give your maximum benefits.




    Biceps are the muscle groups that comprise the front part of the humerus. They lie in the part of the upper arm. Biceps help in doing a variety of tasks. Thus, let's see some exercises that promote a healthy biceps.


  • Barbell Curl
  •  full body workout plan

    • Hold a barbell firmly with both your hands.
    • Then, curl it with the help of your biceps so as to target them.


  • Chin-up
  • full body workout plan 

    • You will need a bar to perform this biceps’ exercise.
    • Hold the bar with your hands in such a way that they are shoulder-length apart from each other.
    • Now lift your body while squeezing the shoulders a bit.
    • Lift your body till your chin reaches the bar.


  • Hammer Curl
  •  full body workout plan

    • Hold the dumbbells with both your hands.
    • Keep your elbows at the side so as to only move the lower arm.
    • Keep your wrists such that they both are facing each other.
    • Now, slowly lift the lower arm in a straight line towards your shoulder.
    • Then, bring them back to their original state.




    Triceps are those muscle groups that lie on the backside of the humerus. They contain three muscle heads. Both biceps and triceps help in performing major body functions. For instance, lifting objects, pointing out something, or doing any task, they both help in doing the chores. And their fitness should be our priority. Let's have a look at some exercise to strengthen the triceps.


  • Dips
  •  full body workout plan

    • Look for a pair of parallel lateral dip bars in your gym or anywhere nearby.
    • Hold the dip bars with your hands tightly.
    • Now, curl your legs from the knee joints.
    • Keep in mind to keep your torso perpendicular to the floor.
    • With both your hands as support, raise above to the saturation point. 
    • Then return back to the original state.


  • Bench Dip
  •  full body workout plan

    • Stand in such a way that you aren’t directly facing the bench.
    • Hold it with both your hands at shoulder-length width.
    • Keep your legs and arms straight.
    • Now, go to a position where your arms and forearms get perpendicular to each other.
    • Push using your triceps as the focus point.
    • Then, get back to the original position.


  • Push-up 
  •  full body workout plan

    • Lie flat on the mat with your back facing the ceiling.
    • Keep your palms straight below your chest.
    • Now, with all the weight concentrating on your hands, lift your body while you inhale.
    • Then, slowly bring your body back to the original form while exhaling.




    The back consists of a prominent organ of our body, the spinal cord. The cord not only provides shape and structure to the body, but also has a great role in sending the signals. Our CNS (Central Nervous System) is directly connected to this organ. Therefore, its fitness is a must. Let's have a look at a few exercises to keep our back muscles fit and durable.


  • Barbell Deadlift
  •  full body workout plan

    • Stand straight with a barbell near you.
    • Now bend down to the level of the barbell. 
    • Hold it with both your hands.
    • Lift it as much as possible.
    • Your ideal lift should be when the barbell gets parallel to your glutes and your body is in a straight line.
    • You may face difficulty the first time, but with practice you can surely achieve it.


  • Pull-up
  •  full body workout plan

    • Hold a bar with both your hands shoulder-length apart.
    • Now put force on your shoulder and back when you lift your body upwards.
    • Do it till your face reaches above the line of the bar.


  • Dumbbell Single Arm Row
  •  full body workout plan

    • Stand near a bench for support.
    • Now bend your body such that your upper part gets perpendicular to the lower part.
    • Keep your right hand on the bench and let the left hand do all the functioning.
    • Hold a dumbbell with your left hand and lift it and release it.
    • Do it for a few times before repeating the same with the right hand.




    The core muscles are also known as the abdominal muscles. These are the actual operative muscle groups of our body. It is divided into two parts- upper abdomen and lower abdomen. They have to go through a lot. Their major role is to facilitate the smooth passage of the digestive tract so as to carry out proper digestion. Let us see some points on how to ensure a strong core. 


  • Bridge
    • Lie flat on a mat, facing the ceiling.
    • Now, bend your knees such that your feet are near to your hips.
    • Lift your hips such that they form a bridge between your upper body and the knees.
    • Hold this position for about 30 seconds.

     full body workout plan

  • Leg Raises
  •  full body workout plan

    • Lie flat on a mat facing the ceiling.
    • Slowly lift your legs such that they get perpendicular to your upper body.
    • Keep your legs and body straight.
    • Be in that position for about 40 seconds.


  • Superman Pull
  •  full body workout plan

    • Lay down on a mat with your chest holding the maximum weight of your body.
    • Lift your arms and legs slowly while keeping them straight and not bent.
    • Put pressure on your hips and back while raising your arms and legs.
    • Now, move your hands backwards as a pulling gesture to something.
    • Hold this position for a few seconds.


  • Plank 
  •  full body workout plan

    • Lie flat on a mat such that your back is facing the ceiling.
    • Now lift up your body in such a way that it lies in a perfectly straight line.
    • Concentrate your entire weight on your toes and resting lower arms.
    • Be in that position for at least 30 seconds.




    Legs form the major organs for locomotion and movement. It is categorised into following parts- thighs, knees, calves and ankles. The fitness of every part is necessary. Also, thighs and calves are those organs where fat gets deposited faster than any other part. Thus, constant exercising and healthy food is a must. Let's take a look at some exercises to ensure it's in good shape.


  • Squats
  •  full body workout plan

    • Stand straight with your body relaxed.
    • Now, bend down a little such that your thighs become parallel to the ground.
    • In that position, keep your hands straight, perpendicular to the body. Be in that position for a few seconds and then get up.


  • Lunges
  •  full body workout plan

    • Stand straight with your arms and legs relaxed.
    • Now, move your right leg forward and bend down.
    • Do it such that the left knee touches the ground while bending.
    • Then get up immediately.
    • Repeat the same with the left leg as well.


  • Plank 
  •  full body workout plan

    • Lie flat on a mat such that your back is facing the ceiling.
    • Now lift up your body in such a way that it lies in a perfectly straight line.
    • Concentrate your entire weight on your toes and resting lower arms.
    • Be in that position for at least 30 seconds.

    By reading our full article, you well get to know, how you can focus on all the body parts in your workout routine. In this blog you will get idea about different exercises you can incorporate under each category whether it be chest, shoulder or legs. compound exercises are efficient for functional strength as well as cardiovascular health. Full body workout is a great way to ensure that all the muscle group is getting trained. working out full body helps in balanced body as it does not focus on just one area, all muscle group will be benefit.

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